Better Rename 9 App Reviews

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Don’t buy it!!!

Does not work for it’s porpoise. I tried to change some books names, i did it apparently. But when i drag the book to iBook, it was if the same prior name.

Doesnt seem to work anymore on 10.6.8

I am still using 10.6.8 because I have several PowerPC apps which I cant replace at the moment. Sadly A better Rename doesnt show any windows on 10.6.8

Works as advertised, Mac like interface

I felt very comfortable using this program. It follows all the mac conventions. I was using Automator but ran into some situations it couldnt handle without a lot of apple script. Better Rename has been around for some time, it is definately the best renaming app Ive used. This program is rock solid, Id reccomend it to anyone!

Nice Utility

Its very powerful, and can be a bit daunting for non-technical users at first. But if you take a few minutes and look through all the options, and double check the ouput (thats the very nice part) before hitting Go, it works nicely. It even double checks with you to make sure the names are what youd like. Im trying to resolve some file conflicts within Boxee / Plex, and this is helping immensely as far as tidying up my file names. Woot!

The only one I found that does everything it should.

Ive tried about a dozen different renaming tools. This tools works flawlessly and is the only one I found that: - Was dead easy to figure out how to use it. - Worked on all my files even those that are stored on network servers - Showed what youll get, as you go, before you actually effect the file names permanently - Supports multiple-step edits, so you can make a bunch of edits on files all at once, and still see the final result before you commit. - Offers file sequencing or re-sequencing numbers in a powerful way. - Can litterally do anything, because you can edit using regular expressions. Really worth learning but not needed for most users. It was so worth the money! Anything that saves me that much time and aggrivation deserves a 5 star excellent rating. Note, tool is not an IMDB movie lookup tool.

Nothing but the best

I have tried more than 10 different tools for renaming file. This one can do everything you want. I had a problem with the Apple Store download. It ended by Apple Store crediting the software and I bought it from the dev. website. This software is the best renaming tools that I ever used in the last 20 years.


Really great app. I use it to rename my photo files. They are all now well organized with the date and time as the file names. The app even automatically deals well with photos taken on burst mode that might have the same time stamp, which is really nice.

Does what it says

Love this app. I had a bunch of folders with files with different names. You can rename to what ever you want in the sequence you desire. Great app that ill recommend to others!


Works very well and a very extension list of options for renaming. This app will be kept in my Dock for sure.


I updated from version 9.05 to 9.29 and now it does not work! The main window for working with files does not open. The App. will open, ie; appear in the dock and menu bar but thats it. The support link on the Mac app store does not work ( Internal Server Error). Please fix! Mac OS X Snow Leopard Version 10.6.8

Broken Indeed

Yes, sadly 9.29 is broken. In fact, I contacted the Developer Support line for the past week and they basically told me to "upgrade" to their non App Store version (same app as this one essentially) for another $20. It looks like 9.29 is really meant for Mountain Lion and above, but App Store did not indicate that as such. I dont know where the fault lies with this misinformation (App Store or Developer), but Developer should provide fix for those still using Snow Leopard.

Absolutely Fantastic!

I absolutely love this app! It has saved me literally hours of renaming miscellaneous .jpg and .png files (and no doubt a lot of unneccessary hand and wrist strain with all the typing that goes with renaming files one by one). If you need or want to rename large numbers of files, it’s well worth the money. There are so many options availabe to choose from when renaming your files. I only wish I’d found out about it earlier.

Simple incredible piece of software

My photo and video catalogue was quite large and of the years, I had used various naming systems for folders and files - with time and experince I developed a better system but now I needed a way to rename lots and lots of files of my older files and folders - I haven’t used all the various naming options available. one of my favorties is the ability to use the shooting date of the file as part of the file name - only for pictures though - not video - if you need to rename files and lots of them - this app will save you loads of time. enjoy

Fantastic Program

For years I’ve been manually renaming photos, graphics, files etc.. I was kind of leary of this app to start, but since purchasing it, it has become my go to app for renaming files, be it 5 or 500, this is the most versatile program in my arsinal of utilities. This is a *MUST HAVE* program for anyone regardless of your use, it just does it, quick, simple and effectively!

Very nice app

I was doing a bunch of art assets today and needed a powerful batch rename app. I had this app on my machine for a while but made do with the built in utility. But I had some real renaming to do today and this app is quite amazing. I added the service right click and it does everything I can think of with a nice interface. Highly recommended.

SOOOO appreciate this app

I have been using Macs for over 30 years, and have accumulated a LOT of files in that time. I’ve also used a lot of utilities and applications, including file management/naming/metadata management utilities. This is definitely one of the “Very Useful” ones. It has a slight learning curve to it, especially learning how to use the multi-step function, but once I got the hang of it, I haven’t looked back once. I’ve used it over and over to help me manage my files and keep things organized. Even something as seemingly mundane as keeping up with photos is made much easier with this tool. For example, while I do import my photos into Aperture (now transitioning to Photos, once upon a time was iPhotos), I have learned through bitter experience the value of keeping a full set of my photos outsite of Photos, as simple files, as well. I use this app to rename them all according to the date they were taken (usually File Creation Date but sometimes a manually-set date for older scanned-in photos) using the Year-Month-Day format for better sorting, then, in the same process job, appending a descriptor for the photo, such as Son’s 15th Birthday, or whatever, plus a sequence number to keep them in the right order. This way, when Aperture/Photos lets me down and I can’t find exactly what I’m looking for (in one memorable iPhotos upgrade my many tens of thousands of photos were suddenly and irreparably all redated to 1900-01-01 and I’ve still not fully recovered from that nightmare), looking through my separate Photos collection helps me find the photo I need in a timely fashion. Then, if I decide to create a new Photos library with a large, selected batch of photos, the photos I import automatically bear a descriptive name instead of the ever-so-unhelpful “img_4570.jpg” or whatever nomenclature the camera I’m using happens to use. In fact, I now rename all new photos in this fashion before I ever import them, because I find this strategy so helpful. I use this utility with many types of files, including business receipts, and so much more — many of them older but still important to me. ea/


I cannot praise this software enough. The best power-user file renamer out there, period. Its worth every penny. I know version 10 is out now (not currently on the Mac App Store at the time of this review) but I’d love to see iCloud preset syncing. That would make my life much easier. (Currently having to hack this fuctionality into existence with Dropbox and symlinks - less than ideal).

Only people who don’t value their time pass on this app.

Sure, you don’t need to pay $30 for a renaming tool, you can rename things by hand if you want to. But that tells me you think your time as an IT, media, or design professional is worthless, and that I should pay you less, or pay someone else to do what you do. And you don’t think that, so just buy this app, and stop wasting your time renaming things by hand.

The best

I have been using many rename apps past 10 years and started using Better Rename 9 about 3 years ago. For first coupe of months, I didn’t like how difficult to get to the function to do a simple renaming task. So I tend to use other easy quick renaming apps. But when it comes to complicated renaming tasks, none of other app can handle them as good as this one. It takes time to learn how to use it and I don’t deny other apps if you only do simple renaming tasks, but this is my choie. I also like the developer doesn’t make frequent meaningless updates every year. This is already such an amazing app and not much room left to improve further other than the icon. I hope they could add some functionality that I can move (or copy) the files with new names to new folders in ‘Advanced & Special’ section but that’s something beyond renamer.

Totally worth every penny!

It saved my life.

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